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Donate Now

If you would like to support Project Exodus by donating, click on the “Donate Now” button below! All donations help us to maintain our site, reduce lag time on the server, and bring other really cool ideas and events to you guys!
Server Montly Cost: $31.95
If we recieve more donations above the serve cost, we will begin to upgrade the server and website! The money that we recieve will strictly be used for the community first and the quality of the server itself!
Email to donate to via PayPal:
Some of the benefits you will receive from donating include:

+ 1000 XP towards 2 chosen attributes

+Exodus Membership (perks listed soon)

+Name listed on front page & Hall of Souls

+In-Game currency for server store

+Be part of the backbone fueling the server and website, as well as future events planned and expansions


Thank you to everyone who has donated so far! Your donations keep our site online and help us to improve our server
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